1 Apr 2014

Splendid Similes 11

As Cool as a Cucumber

Hello there! So, after going through loads of similes, I discovered that I haven't done this classical piece, which "as cool as cucumber" undoubtedly is. So, without further ado, here it is: (it is also quite simple) :)

When you are as cool as a cucumber, it means that you are very calm - so it is cool in the sense of not showing emotion. The origin is where the second meaning of "cool" comes to play, as does the fact that cucumbers are usually very cool (meaning cold), which, by the way makes them an ideal summer food or a juice ingredient. This site even claims that the inside of a cucumber can be up to 20 degrees colder than its outside temperature!

But as for me, I must admit that I don't like to use this imile very much. It's just that when you want to say that someone is really cool and then you compare them to a cucumber... Well, to be honest, I always end up with the image of a cucumber with sunglasses, acting really "cool". So no, it doesn't work for me. Does it work for you? Let me know in the comments!

Yeah, and the image in my head looks something like this:


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