24 Apr 2014

Provoking Phrasal Verbs 5

Abide by and ache for

Hello there!

After two weeks of not posting anything I decided it's about time I did something about it! I was quite busy reading, learning the lines of our Academic Oracy Skit, rehearsing and also teaching. But enough about me! It's time for some phrasal verbs. From now on I will start posting them alphabetically. I don't mean I will do all PV starting with A and then to move to B, I simply want to organize myself, so this week it'll be two starting with A and the next it'll be two starting with B, and so on. And yes, I got the idea from Cabin Pressure. And yes, I've been listening to it for the past few days. Again!

So the first phrasal verb abide by is largely connected with law and rules. It means to obey and respect, e.g. law, rules, decisions, etc. Right now as I am sitting in the library I abide by the rules they have here. I am silent, my phone is on silent mode, etc. Because while in library one wants to

My second phrasal verb to ache for means to desire and long for something or someone. Right now I'm aching for one particular video connected with Shakespeare and our university... I must have it!!!

This is it for now... Please let me know if you are aching for sth or sb in the comments below.


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