18 Mar 2014

Splendid Similes 9

As Mad as a Hatter

Good evening to you, and, though one day late, happy St. Paddy's! I hope you didn't end up the same way as me, as I realized that although green is my favourite colour, I do not own any green clothes anymore and had to do with my green scarf. But nevermind!

There is also one more reason to celebrate, at least for the Czech people. The reason is that next week there will be a concert of Danny Elfman's music to Tim Burton's films, and both gentlemen are going to be there! Tim Burton is also opening an exhibition in Prague on Friday and having a signing session (to which "only" 3000 people got tickets, well done to those who managed!)

So as a tribute I figured I would tackle this simile to which all of you must have heard the explanation while Alice in Wonderland was in cinemas, because it was all over the place, but nevertheless!

When you say that somebody is as mad as a hatter, they are completely crazy (obviously). Wiki says that the reason for choosing hatters specifically is that they used mercury when making hats, which accumulated in their bodies and eventually caused dementia caused by mercury poisoning. Quite depressing, huh? But more than fitting for slightly creepy Tim Burton movies, I guess. Have a nice, mercury- and madness-free week!


FF said...

As if this simile weren't already splendid, you added Macklemore and not it's like the best thing in the world! And I really love the background, I had no idea about the origin of this simile and it's pretty interesting! A hearty thumbs up to you, my dear chum! :-)

Trollkona said...

thank you, dear! ♥

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