20 Mar 2014

Provoking phrasal verbs 2

To end up and to lie ahead

Hello to everyone! I didn't make it on time once again. Hopefully you'll forgive me. I was trying to figure out a way this post could be funny and interesting, but I am afraid that's not gonna happen. Phrasal verbs are indeed a little boring and there is not much to write about. So I decided to talk about two of them.

The first phrasal verb is (as you surely noticed) to end up. To end up means to be in a particular place or state after doing something or because of doing it. For instance, I had many plans for yesterday, one of them was blogging, but after one call I unexpectedly ended up teaching English for three hours. And of course, I did a lot of other things.

The other phrasal verb is to lie ahead. If something lies ahead, it is going to happen to you in the future. I have so many things lying ahead of me right now and listing all of them would take me a lot of time. But the two most interesting are a visit from the US and Canada (Oh Yes), and the translation of nine children stories into English. The first mentioned is really exciting and the second one means plenty of work, but I am looking forward to it.

How about you?
Do you often end up doing something unexpected?
Is there anything lying ahead of you?
Let us know in the comments below and have a lovely day!


FF said...

Wow, teaching for 3 hours on the spot? I wonder who asked you for it :D. Well, yesterday I planned to read some lovely Christian Mair and I ended up walking the dog instead. Things happen :D. But right now I should really get going as something rather wonderful lies ahead of me this evening - and you know what it is ;-).

Freya said...

Yeah, tell me about it... 3 hours... and tomorrow again... but afterwards there is one thing that lies ahead of me... and we will see each other there :)

Trollkona said...

wow, 3 hours! poor you :( and, well, I focused so much on this week's Thursday and Friday lying ahead of me that I'm having trouble focusing on what's to come next week to be honest :D

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