17 Mar 2013

Splendid Similes 7


As Irish as Paddy's Pig

Seems like I've grown rather fond of piggy similes. Happy St. Paddy's Day to you all! How are you celebrating? Are you feeling as Irish as Paddy's pig? If you're not, then it probably doesn't matter, because Paddy is said to have come from Northern England anyway - but perhaps he got the pig after he'd come to Ireland :) As for myself, I have spent my St. Paddy's Day studying for Practical English, hurrah! But even if you haven't had any whiskey, any Guinness, any green clothes - you can still save the day with Irish Hair! :)

2 Mar 2013

Splendid Similes 6


As Happy as a Pig in Shit

Yeah, you got me. I'm neither a pig in shit, nor happy (though I am quite fine, thank you). It's just that I really think that the English might have made a better simile than this one. Just look at it! I know, it accurately expresses the wicked, fuzzy, happy feeling you have when your enemy slips on a banana peel. But in spite of this, I find it very un-English-like. The English don't swear! And if they do, it's brilliant, well thought and often containing long awesome unforgettable similes. Or they say "whoops-a-daisy" instead (as our beloved Wimbledon teacher taught us).

In this case I must say that the Czech version of this simile is much nicer - both nicer to hear and nicer to pigs :) it says "as happy as a pig in rye". Now, isn't that better? Though it's true that the czech word for rye - "žito" - sounds roughly similar to "shit" (as Kouzelník Žito a.k.a. Shito the Magician has already proved - Czech reference, sorry). So, may your weekends be as happy as a pig in whatever you prefer :)

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